About Sero

Swedish Renewable Energies Organization

This is SERO
SERO was founded 1980 and consists of the following sections:

  • Wind power
  • Small hydro
  • Solar energy
  • Bio energy
  • Hydrogen
  • Electrical vehicles
  • Energy for farmers

SERO is a Swedish non governmental central organisation for regional and special organisations engaged in renewable energy. The main purpose for SERO is in different ways to support and work for a rapid expansion of renewable energy sources in Sweden.

At present the main issues are to convince Swedish authorities to create a long term support system which efficiently increases the investments and the expansion of renewable energy in Sweden and eliminates the obstacles in present laws and frameworks for renewable energy power stations. Altogether almost 3000 members are connected to SERO.

Contact SERO

Chairman Mr.Göran Bryntse
Göran Bryntse, Dalby 201, S- 247 94 DALBY
Telefon:+ 46 46-200 221, Mobil: +46 70-621 71 96
E-mail: goran.bryntse@sero.se

Romelevägen 7b
Telephone: +46 46 200 221
E-mail: info@sero.se




